• Formal Water Fountain

    Formal Water Fountain Eugene Oregon
  • Formal Water Fountain

  • Formal Water Fountain & Atrium

  • Formal Water Fountain & Atrium

Formal Water Fountain & Atrium

Formal Water Fountain & Atrium

This modern take on a formal water fountain has clean architectural lines. Positioned in the atrium corner, the water element has a classic feel, which can be viewed from numerous vantage points around the home.

Landscaping Design

This atrium and classic water feature needed to work with the structure of the house and be easy to maintain.

  • About Dominion Landscape

    Do­min­ion Land­scape is a land­scape de­sign and construction company that is privileged to share our love of the craft of landscaping with our clients. We are a company ex­cited to bring the best of land­scape ideas, vi­sion and quality of work­man­ship to one place… Yours!

  • What We Do

    Do­min­ion Land­scape is de­voted to work­ing with our clients in the creation of their own custom land­scape, from residential to small commercial jobs. We spe­cial­ize in dis­cov­er­ing el­e­ment that you would like to see in your land­scape, from sim­ple to com­plex. Then we con­struct them in the way most suited to your lifestyle and need.

  • Where We Work

    Do­min­ion Land­scape is proud to serve the greater Eu­gene/Spring­field metro area, with clients served from Cor­val­lis to Creswell and Oakridge to Veneta. We are hon­ored to have been able to help our clients make their vi­sion a re­al­ity, and look for­ward to the new land­scapes to be cre­ated and clients to serve.

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