• Before

  • Before

  • Side Yard Solutions - Stone Path

  • Side Yard Solutions - Stone Path

  • Side Yard Solutions - Stone Path

  • Side Yard Solutions - Stone Bench

  • Side Yard Solutions - Stone Bench

  • Side Yard Solutions - Stone Bench

Side Yard Solutions – Stone Bench & Path

Side Yard Solutions

It can feel overwhelming to find a solution for a narrow walkway around your home. The last thing you want is the industrial feel of cement. Here we were able to provide a safe and clean walkway with character.

Landscaping Design - Stone Bench

With the feel of fairies and whimsy, putting a stone bench in this area was just plain fun. It provides a cool place for a short respite, or a shady get away with a newspaper or book.

  • About Dominion Landscape

    Do­min­ion Land­scape is a land­scape de­sign and construction company that is privileged to share our love of the craft of landscaping with our clients. We are a company ex­cited to bring the best of land­scape ideas, vi­sion and quality of work­man­ship to one place… Yours!

  • What We Do

    Do­min­ion Land­scape is de­voted to work­ing with our clients in the creation of their own custom land­scape, from residential to small commercial jobs. We spe­cial­ize in dis­cov­er­ing el­e­ment that you would like to see in your land­scape, from sim­ple to com­plex. Then we con­struct them in the way most suited to your lifestyle and need.

  • Where We Work

    Do­min­ion Land­scape is proud to serve the greater Eu­gene/Spring­field metro area, with clients served from Cor­val­lis to Creswell and Oakridge to Veneta. We are hon­ored to have been able to help our clients make their vi­sion a re­al­ity, and look for­ward to the new land­scapes to be cre­ated and clients to serve.

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